Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Outside Frame -Natak Company

Lock Unlock Performance Art Project 11 

22. December 2020

Concept Note by Dagmar I. Glausnitzer-Smith

Glimpses behind Isolation
Visual material is assembled, collaged and controlled in these days of presentations via the virtual channels. The preparations regress to an intense aesthetic and composed image production. 
How can this be interrupted and directed towards another perspective, revealing details of ‘Self’ in the intimate sphere, which in any way stays hidden to the unrecognizable (zoom)spectator. Details, materials and objects which may have been captured before in physical, public space, now have been edited away from the site of Performance Activity.
How does the artist’s expectation level, these days influence the operating virtual eye?
Extended: Mieke Bal, The Mottled Screen: Reading Proust Visually, Marcel Proust, Optical Instruments, Stamford, 1997. chapter 5, p69 pp
“Even those who commended my perception of the truths which I wanted eventually engrave within the temple, congratulated me on having discovered them with a microscope’, when on the contrary it was a telescope that I used to observe things which were indeed very small to the naked eye, but only because they were situated at a great distance, and which were each one of them is itself a world.”
Satadru Sovan
Mukesh Singh 

My work presented for this event was 

Outside Frame- Natak Company

For this Lock Unlock Series, In the last minute of the event, one artist could not perform, I took the opportunity to participate do the final performance for the year 2020. I started preparing in my mind while I was on the way home - first thing when I read Dagmar's Note first impressions were random things which we do outside the frame of zoom like backstage work which usually does not come in front while performing. I thought of bringing in on this core idea in my Performance work. Bring all my costumes, objects of performance, curtains, colourful cloths on the forefront. Unplanned I wanted it to be spontaneous of unlocking unpacking my materials live and spontaneously working out with it. There were different jackets, wig, headgears, dolls, woollen rolls every few minutes I was changing my costume and headgears it was an attempt to bring alter-ego on the front row. I enjoyed the process and the outcome. I responded to Dagmar's concept aptly as per my perception chaotic backstage work, Original work behind the actual performance and for me that itself is kind of real performance work Brainstorming confused random and abstract trying to match the thinking for the creation of new work.

Dimple B Shah 22nd December 2020